Tachibana & butterfly
While there is a wide variety of botanical patterns represented on kimono and obi, I tend to often see the same elements repeating on the formal obi that I pick: pine branches, chrysanthemums, plum blossoms…
But on this obi, several other natural patterns are joining the party, and some of them are very refreshing such as cherry blossoms and Japanese Andromeda, and the two main motifs represented in golden circles: a colourful butterfly, and a tachibana flower. Tachiban is the orange blossom. It is very dear to me as it can also refer to the mikan blossom. You can actually see it hiding within the Mikan logo if you look closely.
In the background, traditional small patterns appear in the shape of clouds or wind flow: the shigebishi (4 diamond shapes within a diamond shape) and the shibori (in reference to the tie-and-dye technique of the same name).
The fabrics is a Jacquard woven with silk and lamé threads. The background seems like a warm braun but is a mix of black silk and golden lamé.
When ordering a bumbag, keep in mind that it will not be possible to feature the entire motif on the same bag. Please indicate your favourite part or colour so I can frame it onto your bag when I create it. For larger bags, all elements of the motif will appear.
The butterfly will bring warm pink tones to your bag.
The tachibana flower will bring sober tones to the bag.
Close-up details
Cherry blossom detail
The shibori pattern almost makes this cherry blossoms look like shouting stars in the galaxy.
Previously made in this fabric
This bag was created by Maud when she joined on of my sewing workshop in Kyoto.
For her bag, Charlotte chose less colorful elements which results in a completely different bag.
Fiona’s bag is featuring a gold zip, making it look even more precious.